Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hotel California

One of the most controversial songs out there, right up there with "I shot the sheriff" and KISS, is Hotel California by The Eagles.

Source: and Song

The Myth/Rumor:

Hotel California refers or pays tribute to the place where the Satanic Bible was written.
Devil Worshipers bought and renamed the place "Hotel California"
Some, or all of The Eagles were heavily involved in the occult.
In the album cover you can see the leader of the Satanic church, Anton LaVey.
And many more.

The lyrics may not help with these suspicions but there are logical explanations for these rumors, for example. The figure seen in the window is not LaVey but rather a woman that was hired to stand in the window, facing the sunset.

Another thing, although the Hotel California is real, it is not a satanic cult headquarters and The Eagles have not stayed at this particular hotel, let alone wrote music while in the hotel. Rather the hotel in the album cover is the Beverly Hills Hotel, located here. And according to the previously mentioned page, the Beverley Hills Hotel was the establishment referred to by The Eagles.

"They stab it with their steely knives but they just can't kill the beast" Was a playful jab at Steely Dan. They shared the same producer and shared a friendly rivalry. A year before, Steely Dan included the line "Turn up the Eagles, the neighbors are listening" on their song "Everything you did"

Most of these rumors are product of ignorance, misinformation, or just plain boredom. It's important to listen to a song, look up the lyrics on sites like Song Lyrics or a quick Google search. And also one of my sites to look for the meaning of songs is Song Meanings. If you have any questions or want me to take a closer look at a song please email me at:

Next post, I'll focus on subliminal messages in slowed down, reversed music.

Monday, June 8, 2009

First Post/ Intro

The purpose of this blog, is to Debunk the myth that music, be it rock,metal,pop, rap, is not evil/Satanic.

Note, I am trying to disperse the rumors about Subliminal Messages, not about straight-forward lyrics, for example rap music that talks about doing drugs, having sex with underage prostitutes and killing them after. Although I might not discuss those type of messages in detail, I will refer to them occasionally.

I will be using sites such as, Youtube, in some cases my own research and other sites, as well as quotes from well know audio engineers.

So enjoy the information, and don't forget to click the advertisements at least once to help me fund this blog! Thank you!